When credit cards were introduced as payment methods in the 1950s and 1960s, they relieved us of the need to carry large amounts of cash. In 2014, Apple introduced its own Apple Pay method that made it just as unnecessary to carry credit or debit cards. This system of payment, which can be used online and at contactless pay terminals, is linked to a credit or debit card but doesn't pass those card details to the retailer. That makes it a very secure way of depositing funds with online casinos that accept Apple Pay for such purposes.
Best Apple Pay NZ Online Casinos
Apple Pay Background
Apple Pay is a method of paying for goods and services with your credit or debit card that doesn't involve giving your card details to the retailer. Instead, your card details are linked to your Apple Pay account, and payments are made via that, with authorisation being made in an iOS app. That app can be accessed on a number of Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iWatch, or Mac) and transactions have to be authorised by yourself using a passcode, fingerprint, or facial recognition. All of this makes Apple Pay one of the most secure payment options available.
Apple Pay has been around since 2014, and while it isn't yet as widely available as other payment methods such as VISA or MasterCard, it is certainly becoming a lot more common. The number of online casinos allowing New Zealand players to deposit with Apple Pay is growing every year, so if you are a fan of Apple devices it is definitely a method worth considering.
How to Make Apple Deposits
Depositing funds with an online casino in NZ via Apple Pay is not very much different to depositing via other methods. The whole process is quick and easy, and all you have to do is:
As we said earlier, your Apple Pay account is linked to a debit or credit card, so the sum deposited will be taken from your bank account or charged to your credit card, as appropriate. Deposited funds will appear in your casino account just as soon as the transaction has been approved - usually right away.
How to Make Withdrawals
Not all casinos will accommodate Apple Pay withdrawals even if they accept deposits, so always check the situation beforehand. When withdrawals can be made via this method, they are just as quick and easy to initiate as deposits, as you can see from the procedure below:
The amount of time that it takes for Apple Pay withdrawals to be completed will depend on how long the casino takes to authorise the withdrawal, and on how long your associated debit or credit card takes to process it. In most cases, you can expect withdrawals to complete in two to seven working days.
Are There Charges for Using the Service?
Although Apple doesn't charge you for using Apple Pay, if you link it with a credit card, the card company may impose a fee when you make deposits at casinos. That's because deposits are often viewed as cash advances rather than straightforward purchases of goods or services. Different card companies have different policies, so check with your own card issuer before assuming anything. Some casinos might also charge their own fees on certain deposit methods, so be sure to look into that too before proceeding.
What Benefits Are There to Use Apple Pay?
Making deposits with Apple Pay has several benefits over alternative methods. Here are a few of our personal favourites:
Pros & Cons Summerised
Final Thoughts
We're always keen to embrace any payment method that makes things safer for players without also making them any more complicated and Apple Pay impresses us on both counts. The fact that the casino will never get your credit or debit card number adds an extra layer of security to proceedings, but actually using Apple Pay doesn't take any longer than using VISA or MasterCard directly. The only downsides are that you'll need to have an Apple device to use this method, and credit card companies can charge fees for making deposits at casinos.